30 September 2023

Einherjars and Valkyries of Odin's wisdom, heed!

Our drakkars once more sail home as our musical raids across your pagan-ridden land has reached its end! We had a blast chanting with our german hordes and can't wait to raid your beautiful, metal-ridden country again in the future.

Ravens whispers thanks to Bambi galore, Coastrock Festival, Hell Frog Promotion and the mighty Zornheym for this weekend in the gods names! A whispered thanks for all the crew members as well, and the biggest whisper that goes out to you, our pagan warriors! Your spirit keeps the pagan flame alight!

For Tyr! For Thor! For Odin! For Germany! For our heathen hordes! For the hymn-weavers! For Havamal!

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